jill celeste

Author. Speaker.
Loud Woman.

Loud Woman

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Together, Loud Woman, we must leave our comfort zones of good-girl manners, perfection, and fear.

Loud Woman

It’s time to embrace this truth: You deserve to live a fulfilled life…

Not one prescribed by society but one beautifully designed by you…

Loud Woman, look around. All across the globe, people are depressed, or poor, or unfulfilled. Our planet bears the weight of our collective selfishness. Many leaders are corrupt, and we are plagued with a mindset that there’s not enough of everything to go around.

Now look at you. You probably are not living your Loudest life. Burdened by societal expectations for women to be small and Quiet, you have been taught to put your needs last, to always show good manners, and to see other women as competition instead of allies.

That’s how Jill was too—overly accommodating, giving, polite, and selfless. But as she watched Dr. Christine Blasey Ford bravely tell her story and testify about Brett Kavanaugh’s attempted rape, Jill thought, this is what a Loud Woman looks like. Speaking up and telling the truth—and doing so without apology or explanation. Inspired by Dr. Ford’s act of honest courage, Jill realized, right then and there, that it was time for her to get Louder too.

Loud Woman is part memoir, part self-help, all manifesto, confession, and plea. It’s Jill’s love letter to you, Loud Woman, so you can be inspired by her journey and embark on your own. Inside these pages you will find a guidebook on how to live a Louder life—from how to push through your fears to trusting yourself more. It’s Jill’s hope that, after reading Loud Woman, you too will look in the mirror and proclaim, “This is what a Loud Woman looks like.”

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“Many women live in regular fear of not being good enough… Am I too much? Am I not enough? Will they like me if I’m the real me?

That’s when they overcompensate by being “the nice girl” and become addicted to people pleasing, to their own detriment.

Do you put the needs of others before your own? Do you not say what you really feel because you want to be liked? Do you have difficulty standing up for yourself? Do you feel obligated to please others even if it means you do something you don’t want? Do you not ask for what you really want? Do you not do what it takes to get your needs met?

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can absolutely create a life you love, without resentment, without wondering if this is all there is to life.

How? Read Jill Celeste’s book, Loud Woman. Jill has courageously walked this path and shares the way within these pages. This is the how-to manual we were never given at birth. It will show you exactly how to become the woman you’ve always wanted to be: confident, self-assured, and HAPPY.

No more Quiet Mouse. It’s time we hear you roar as the fullest expression of who you were made to be. Here’s to your beautiful transformation.”

Fabienne Fredrickson

founder of Fabienne.com and author of Embrace Your Magnificence: Get Out of Your Own Way and Live a Richer, Fuller, More Abundant Life

“Loud Woman feels like an intimate conversation with a long-lost girlfriend where she tells you stories over coffee, painting a picture of a woman learning how to be her own best champion while also lifting up the women around her. In it, Jill lends smart, actionable advice on setting boundaries and creating space for yourself in your life, honoring your relationships, and stepping out of your comfort zone. Loud Woman reminds us to get out of our own way, and to not be afraid of the loudest voice in your head: your own.”

Patty Gaffney

Award-winning media professional

“Jill takes the reader on a journey of becoming Loud. You feel like you’re having a girls’ weekend away with your best friend, filled with all the significant stories of the past and manifestos for the future. It’s the kind of getaway you return from feeling recharged, empowered, and ready to take on the world.

As I read Loud Woman, I felt the entire spectrum of emotions. I moved from crying sad, old-wound-opening tears, to joyful tears of pride. I laughed. I cheered. I was inspired. I was reflective.

I learned that my loudness doesn’t need to be perfect, or even a constant, in order to claim the title of being a ‘Loud Woman’. Using my voice not only creates my world, but also opens up new possibilities for other women.”

Nicole Meltzer

intuitive author and speaker, Balanced U Academy

“This book is for any woman who is tired of being told to stay quiet, or told they aren’t good enough to try something. Loud Woman takes you on a journey to becoming a better you in every aspect of your life.”

Iman Salih

recent graduate, Ohio State University

Boundaries will piss people off. They always do. That’s how you know they are working.

Jill Celeste

If you do not think you deserve something, you won’t obtain it. That’s why you must boost your self - worth. When you feel worthy and deserving, you will fight like hell to get it.

Jill Celeste

Our world needs less ‘there’s something about her and I don’t like it,’ and more ‘there’s something about her and it’s wonderful!

Jill Celeste

About Jill

I believe female entrepreneurs are here to change the world by embracing their Divine Gifts and sharing these Gifts with the people who need them. I see it as my job to teach you how to talk authentically about your Gifts, which will attract your ideal clients to you.

Hand in hand, I believe you need the right success mindset to accomplish your goals. I can teach the best marketing and business growth strategies, but if you’re not confident and bold enough to implement them, they won’t work for you.

Finally, as a spiritual person, I believe our marketing should reflect our souls. In addition to teaching authentic marketing principles, I also focus on weaving spiritual practices, such as the Law of Attraction, into your marketing. When you’re a purpose-driven entrepreneur, this can make all the difference in how you feel about marketing!

Other interesting things about me:

  • I am obsessed with flamingos. They are my spirit animals.
  • I use butterflies in my marketing in memory of my dad.
  • It’s my dream to own an animal sanctuary.
  • I have a fantastic sense of humor and a hearty, loud laugh.
  • I love to read. I have more books than time.
  • I believe in the Law of Attraction, Archangel Gabriel, God, The Universe, peace, joy, and love. I am a snowflake and tree hugger.
  • I believe in you, even when you don’t.
  • I believe we should all be amazingly compensated for our Divine Gifts. Money is energy!
  • I love you. Even though we may not have met, I am beaming love to you right now. That’s how I roll.

As seen in:


That First Client

That First Client cover
You’ve hung out your shingle “open for business,” but hear crickets. Where are your clients?

You’re an intelligent, confident woman—running a business shouldn’t be so difficult! Doubts creep in, and you begin to wonder, “Did I make a mistake?”

No! You didn’t. You need a practical and easily implemented marketing strategy—and someone to guide you, to cheer you on, to stop you from quitting.

That’s where That First Client comes in. In this book, Jill Celeste will teach you how to identify your ideal client, contact sales prospects, ask for referrals, create a follow-up process, and use networking, speaking, and social media to attract clients. And all without overwhelm!

Filled with practical exercises and tried-and-true marketing methods, That First Client is the answer to your question: How do I get that first client? With this book in hand, you’re about to find out.